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3D Graphing Calculator
Graphing Calculator 3D

Plot beautiful 3d graphs

Graphing Calculator 3D

Define Variables

You can define your own variables and use them in graph equations. As soon as you change the value of a variable, its corresponding graph will be automatically recalculated and redrawn. To define a variable follow these steps:

  1. Change the graph type from "3D" to "None".
  2. Type the name of variable followed by equal(=) sign followed by a value. For example: scale=1.25
  3. Use the variable in a graph equation. For example in the next line type this: z=scale*sin(x)
  4. Now try changing the value of scale variable from 5.25 to something else and see how the graph changes.

The value of variables are not limited to simple numbers. They can evaluate any math expressions or even depend on other variables. For example you could define the following variables:


Then you can plot an equation that depends on c. In this situation if the value of a, b, or c changes, then the graph will be automatically recalculated and redrawn.

Hint: You may also use the definition of a variable for inserting a comment. Just set the graph type to "None". Then write a comment and unselect the line. The comment line is highlighted in gray, the error message can be ignored.

Variable 3d graphs 

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